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Statements from the IGF Secretariat

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August 07, 2018
In light of the specific tax treaty issues arising in the extractive industries, IGF and the International Senior Lawyers Project convened an meeting to identify and coordinate response
July 18, 2018
A new toolkit developed by the IGF aims to help resource-rich countries find more sustainable and inclusive economic solutions, fostering stronger linkages between mineral resources and
June 20, 2018
The IGF and CIRDI announced the signing of an MOU to enhance collaboration to promote the sustainable development of mineral and natural resources for the benefit of people, governments
June 18, 2018
The OECD and the IGF invite comments on a draft toolkit that will help developing countries to identify and cost potential behavioral responses by mining investors to tax incentives.
May 14, 2018
Women who work in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) face economic, decision-making, legal and institutional exclusions due to cultural norms. This is the finding of a new report fr