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Statements from the IGF Secretariat

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March 05, 2018
There is a pressing need for innovation in the mining sector, according to a report published Monday by the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Developme
March 01, 2018
The IGF released its 2017 Annual Report, highlighting successes throughout the year and how leveraging mining for sustainable development can limit negative impacts and ensure financial
February 13, 2018
IGF partnered with the Australian government to deliver training on transfer pricing in the mining sector to the Government of Tanzania. The training focuses on offshore marketing arran
January 22, 2018
Rising mineral prices and the struggle to earn a living from agriculture have led to explosive growth in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), according to a new report from the IGF.
December 19, 2017
IGF Advisor Alexandra Readhead was named among the top 50 most influential people, organizations, events and trends in global taxation for her work assisting developing countries combat