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Mining Policy Framework

The Secretariat supports its members to advance sustainable development objectives through effective mining policies and laws with its flagship Mining Policy Framework (MPF). The MPF represents the good practices required for good environmental, social, and economic governance of the mining sector, and the generation and equitable sharing of benefits in a manner that will contribute to sustainable development. 

The framework serves as the basis for IGF’s assessment and implementation work with member countries. In 2023, IGF members ratified an updated MPF that outlines international good practice throughout the full mining life cycle and affirms the Secretariat’s mandate to work on the following six policy areas:

Six Pillars of the Mining Policy Framework

1. Laws, Policies, and Institutions

A modern legislative regime for mining draws clear lines of responsibility and accountability while establishing a foundation of good governance for economic, environmental, and social prosperity.

2. Financial Benefits 

Taxes and royalty revenues from mining operations help governments fund critical programs and services, including health care, infrastructure, and environmental management.

3. Socio-Economic Benefits

Mining investment can play a role in achieving a country’s national development objectives while supporting livelihoods and economic security for workers and communities.

4. Environmental Management

The responsible management of natural resources and ecosystems—including soils, plants, animals, water, and air, and the services they provide—underpins the health of communities and economies for society to thrive over the long term.

5. Post-Mining Transition

Well-planned and executed mine closure and post-mining land use help governments ensure environmental integrity and the well-being of communities.

6. Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining

Effective artisanal and small-scale mining management can help governments formalize operations to support better environmental and social outcomes, including decent livelihoods, gender equality, and environmental protection for affected communities.

Implementing the Mining Policy Framework to Strengthen Governance

The IGF Secretariat’s team of experts works with member governments to apply the MPF in two phases: first, an MPF assessment, followed by capacity building and technical assistance.


Phase 1: MPF Assessments

Our team collaborates with governments to identify strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in existing mining laws, policies, and regulations and provide recommendations for improvement based on the good practices presented in the MPF. The assessment process involves desk-based research, a comprehensive review of policy documents, mine site visits, and extensive in-person consultations with stakeholders from government, civil society, and the private sector.

Once the assessment report has been drafted and validated by the government, it is published and disseminated for use by the government, civil society, and the private sector and by IGF members for peer learning.


Phase 2: Capacity Building and Technical Assistance

The Secretariat works collaboratively with members to advise and lead workshops with government officials focused on tailored capacity building and technical assistance to address the gaps identified in the MPF assessment. These activities are designed to leave governments better equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to improve mining sector governance.

The MPF’s Evolution

The MPF was first ratified by IGF members in 2010. It was tabled in May 2011 at the 19th session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD 19) in New York as a compendium of good practices for governments to manage the full range of issues in the mining sector. Delegates to CSD 19 recognized the MPF as a way to provide a systemic approach for developing mining in accordance with sustainable development principles. To learn more, read about the IGF’s history and download earlier versions of the MPF.

MPF Assessment Reports

The IGF has responded to member requests to complete MPF assessments for several countries. The assessment reports listed below include recommendations to help governments improve mining governance in accordance with the MPF.

The Government of Bhutan has identified the mining sector as one of the five jewels of the economy, highlighting its potential to significantly drive the country’s economic developmen
This assessment report examines Mexico’s mining laws and policies and makes recommendations for policy reform and improvement. The Mexican mining sector is large, diverse, and wel
This report for the Government of Panama includes a thorough assessment of the country’s mining policies and specific recommendations to help Panama leverage its mining sector for
This assessment report identifies strengths and weaknesses in Honduras’ legal and policy framework for mining and makes recommendations for the government.
This report first presents Jamaica’s development, mining, and legal contexts. It then highlights the key strengths and gaps in Jamaica’s mining policies and laws across six thematic