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Women in artisanal and small-scale mining

Artisanal and Small-scale Mining Training Partnership with PanAfGeo: Zambia

Training Details
March 19, 2018 to January 01, 1970

The second training of this series will be held in Zambia from March 19 to 22, 2018, with approximately 50 trainees from seven countries in the Southern African region in attendance. This training session is expected to representatives from National Geological Surveys of Malawi, Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Swaziland and Botswana provide regional inputs for the trainees.

The workshop will present methods, tools, procedures and requirements for artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) operations in Zambia. It will also discuss the future role of the Geological Survey Department (GSD) in Zambia.

The objectives of the workshop are to: train participants to be trainers for ASM operators in Zambia and other South African sub-regions; provide an opportunity for regulatory agencies and post-secondary institutions involved in the ASM sector to discuss methods of managing and assisting operators in the sector; explore the role of a national geological survey in the sector; and provide regional perspectives on the challenges within ASM.

Participants will gain valuable skills from this workshop, including being able to:

  • Apply the key terms of mineral exploration;
  • Recognize key legislation and issues;
  • Describe the socio-economics of ASM in the region;
  • Recognize occupational health and safety issues related to ASM;
  • Explore various mining options for how to best develop a mineral deposit;
  • Identify and apply various methods involved in mineral processing;
  • Identify and describe obligations of the national geological survey and the national Ministry of Mines;
  • Critical think about and assess issues relating to business planning for ASM; and
  • Apply the training material.

This workshop will also provide participants with the necessary skills to develop a road map for future involvement with the Geological Survey Department in Zambia’s ASM sector.

For questions regarding WP3 please contact:

WP3 Co-Leader John Tychsen (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland):

WP3 Co-Leader Daniel Boamah (GGSA):

WP3 Deputy Co-Leader Jules Cesar Yaganza, Central African Republic: