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Community Development and Mining: UEMOA regional workshop

Training Details
July 01, 2019 to May 07, 2019
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

The IGF will be in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from July 1 to 5, hosting a regional training workshop for UEMOA members States government officials on community development in relation to the mining sector.

The workshop will explore a number of timely issues related to sustainable community development, with a focus on mining local development funds which are set up in several mining codes within UEMOA region. The issues include:

  • Shared experiences about mining local develop funds and similar tools for community development within UEMOA: success, opportunities and challenges;
  • Approaches for community development in the upcoming UEMOA Community Mining Code;
  • Perspectives from municipalities hosting mining companies, as well as from mining industry and from local communities;
  • Review of alternative or complementary tools for sustainable community development in mining from different jurisdictions, such as Community Development Agreements or corporate social responsibility;
  • Options for enhancing mining local development funds structure and implementation in the UEMOA region.

This training is for government officials whose work relates to economic and social issues arising from mining, with the goal of reflecting on key principles and factors to fostering inclusive community development in mining zones.

Read the Meeting Report (English)Read the Meeting Report (French)